Tricky SQL Test: Part 2

This is Part 2 of the three part series detailing the ‘tricky SQL test’ I took to get a potential job.  Read Part 1 of the series here.  This one is much easier than Part 1.  I got most of the credit for this one, but I couldn’t figure out the group by to limit the number previous results.

The Test

Given a table events with the follow structure:

    cameraId INT NOT NULL,
    warningType INT NOT NULL,
    warningLevel INT NOT NULL,
    warningTime DATETIME NOT NULL,
    UNIQUE INDEX warningTime (warningTime)

insert into camera (cameraId, warningType, warningLevel, warningTime) values (2, 2, 8, '2017-09-13 13:42:00');
insert into camera (cameraId, warningType, warningLevel, warningTime) values (2, 4, -46, '2017-09-13 14:19:57');
insert into camera (cameraId, warningType, warningLevel, warningTime) values (2, 2, 7, '2017-09-13 15:48:30');
insert into camera (cameraId, warningType, warningLevel, warningTime) values (3, 2, 3, '2017-09-13 13:54:39');
insert into camera (cameraId, warningType, warningLevel, warningTime) values (2, 3, 38, '2017-09-13 14:32:36');

Write an SQL query that, for each camera and warning type (cameraId, warningType), returns the most recent value (in terms of time).  the table should be ordered by cameraId (in ascending order), and warningType (in ascending order).

For example, given the following data:

cameraId   | warningType | warningLevel | warningTime
2          | 2           | 5            | 2017-09-13 13:42:00
2          | 4           | -46          | 2017-09-13 14:19:57
2          | 2           | 7            | 2017-09-13 15:48:30
3          | 2           | 3            | 2017-09-13 13:54:39
2          | 3           | 38           | 2017-09-13 14:32:36

Your query would return:

cameraId | warningType | warningLevel
2        | 2           | 7
2        | 3           | 38
2        | 4           | -46
3        | 2           | 3

The names of the columns in the rowset don’t matter, but their order does.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Oracle SQL Developer (and how to change them)

It is quite easy to assign keyboard shortcuts in Oracle SQL Developer to actions in SQL Developer.  I recently configured shortcuts to convert text to all UPPER and all lower case.

It is quite easy to change the keyboard shortcuts in Oracle SQL Developer. Just go to Tools → Preferences and navigate to Shortcut Keys in the left side menu.  On the right there will be a lengthy list of actions to choose from.  For converting to upper/lower case look in the Code Editor category. You will find Convert Selection to Lower and Convert Selection to Uppercase. You can then change the short to the desired key combination.

oracle sql developer settings